Friday, 22 March 2013

what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from the prelim task to the thriller.

Looking back at our prelim, the camera work that we used seems extreamly basic compared to our thriller as when filming our thriller we took into account many different aspects of the camera to enhance the moods that we wanted to establish. For example, in many shots we filmed whilst zooming in quickly to give the illusion that we are the eyes of the artist. We have also filmed from a low camera angle to enhance the artists status, whilst we filmed Ellie from a high camera angle to exaggerate her lack of power and fragility. However for our preliminary task we filmed everyone from the same angle and did not experiment with moving the camera .

The mesenscene is also much more effective in our thriller than our preliminary task, for our thriller we wanted to create a rich and diverse, believable setting, which will help to heighten the atmosphere and reinforce the sinister “look” of the sequence.  For example for the artists studio we used sams previous artwork which we dripped blood onto, we also bourght in paints, paintbrushes and a variety of equipment that an artist would have. Fotr the girls bedroom we used a dark beam old fashioned bed with noting else in the room to enhace the disturbing amshpere. We considered the lighting by encluding a number of large candles to sustain the dark, creepy setting with an old, biblical atmosphere.   Hovever in or preliminary task, we filmed the boys purley in the outfits that they were alrady wearing, with no props, in the open day light. As a result there is not a very strong look to the scene.

The editing is also much more sucsessful in our thriller than our prelim task. For our thriller we all became confinadnt with knowing how to use final cut pro, whilst learing how to use the basic settings for example  zooming in and out, enlarging the text and rendering. We also experimented with many different settings for example we used crossfade to create a smoother transition between the shots and overlaying of two shots to create a distorted atmosphere. We also learnt how to use layering and to increase the artistic look that we wanted to create. However for our prelim, we created an extremely basic composition, we did not change the shots in any way, we merely learnt how to cut the scenes and compose them together.

The sound used in our thriller is also much more succesfull than the sound in our prelim. Our thriller contains distorted yet biblical sounding choir music, this is in order to enhance the disturbing atmosphere which is indicated throughout the live action, however for our prelim task we merely used the dialogue which was written out by the school.

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