Here is the youtube statistics that we received about our music video
620 people viewed our video, this suggests it had a reasonable level of appeal, with a steady acceleration of viewers each time.
This graph suggests that the majority of people viewed the video on youtube, and as we initially releaced the video onto youtube, this is the figures we would expect. It also suggests that the majority of the audience were of a young age, as generally youtube videos are mostly watched by younger people.
The graph above shows and the amount of veiws the music video had in each country with the avarage viewer duration time. The fact that our video was viewed in over 4 countries outside of the UK suggests that it was viewed between members of the public, not by people related to the school, as well as suggesting it had international appeal. In over 7 countries the average person viewed our video for over 2minutes suggesting people had a sustained interest throughout.
the data suggests that generally the majority of people have viewed the video on both mobiles, tablets and computers however there was a peak use of people watching the videos on computer in mid december, indicating that possibly more people watch youtube videos over the christmas break.
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