Friday, 27 December 2013

Why we didn't use cardboard in the Music video

When we got round to the editing process we decided to scrap the cardboard idea. This is because although we created some authentic realistic looking band instruments out of cardboard, the other objects such as the toaster, lamps, mirror and food that we wanted to have turning into cardboard was did not look good on camera. This is because to create the guitars and drums we cut these objects out of cardboard with detail which took us ages. However creating a cardboard toaster and lamps were more difficult so we all came up with the idea of covering the objects in brown paper to make them look as if they were made out of cardboard, however the paper did not look good, as we had to cover the objects in Sellotape to make the brown paper stick, however this was visually unattractive and once we viewed the footage on final cut pro we decided that the objects wrapped in brown paper cheapened our music video making it look unattractive.

Account/ Evaluation of the editing

After the shoot day we began the editing process by transferring all of the footage onto the mac computers in the editing suite and onto the editing software final cut pro. We began by initially looking though all of the shots and deleting any footage which could not be used. We then labelled all of the band preformences with different colours to allow us to clearly see which shots are of the band, without having to go through every shot first. we then began by going thorough each band shot and looking at the time sequences an joining up the time frame so that the footage is in synch with the song, so that the lip synching was in time.  We then began the editing process by creating the band cut. We went through and edited the shots together so that the shot was wide then cut to a medium and then to a close up to create an entire performance cut of the band. We then continued the editing process by placing over sequences from the narrative, of shots of our male and female characters getting up out of bed and going in the bathroom to begin there daily routine. To exaggerate this we decided to show a montage of Gigi's  daily routine by jump cutting shots of Gigi messing up her hair, putting her make up on and putting her lipstick on. However after presenting this to Luke in the editing suite he suggested that jump cutting is an editing no- no and that we should change the shots so that they are interwoven with shots of the band so that the images dont jump. We then replaced some of the band shots with the narrative  of the kitchen scene. At this stage in the video our plan was to shows scenarios in the couples relationship where an argument develops and an object turns into cardboard. We had spent the previous few days creating and cutting  objects out of cardboard, we created good quality realistic looking band objects. However in order to make the more difficult objects such as a toaster and lamps, we decided to wrap an actual toaster in brown paper to look as if its cardboard,  as well as lamps and a plate. However the quality of this looked vary bad and not like cardboard at all. Our decision was made when we looked back at the footage of the cardboard objects that we were gonna scrap the whole idea of objects turning into cardboard completely and just show the couple in different argumentative situations,this still conforms to our idea of presenting het perfect life, as well as the idea of the characters being in a dolls house. Overall I think that the editing process was quite successful and in the process I learnt a lot about how to edit and my skills have improved. However If i was going to create another music video I would create one which is much more simple and i with this budget and time frame I would  not produce a video with a narrative as i think we were trying to be ambitious and we would be better off concentrating on producing a couple of  good scenes. Overall I think that the video is too band heavy, and there is not enough focus on the narrative to keep it interesting.